UPDATE: Steak and Shake replied to my tweet, giving me their customer service line as I expected. I called and explained the situation. They are sending me a $5 gift card. At the time, I thought this was funny since my meal cost $6. So I paid $1 for a great food story.
The next day the district manager called from the Steak n Shake, I give him the story again and he apologized. He asked that I bring the piece in so they could examine it and figure out where it came from. He also said that he was sending me a $20 gift card.
Between everything I feel that the situation was well taken care of by Steak n Shake for my part. I understand that things like this happened, so I didn't want to make a huge deal of it (just wanted compensation and for them to know it happened in case there are other reports or safety hazards).
I will continue to eat at Steak n Shake. In fact I kind of want a milkshake right now...
Every now and then I get weak in the stomach. There is just some manner of food that I have to have right then. This morning it was Steak n' Shake's Country Skillet meal.
It was a wonderful amalgamation of hash-browns, biscuits, sausage, gravy, cheese, scrambled eggs, and awesome goodness.
However, this morning I was disturbed to find an extra topping on my glorious breakfast. It was the metaphorical cherry on top of a Styrofoam dish of happiness.
And by "cherry" I mean "electrical wire" and by "metaphorical" I mean "terrifying real".
It was about my fifth bite in, I noticed a bit that was more crunchy then the contents of the dish usually entails. Curious, I pulled it out and examined the specimen.
Needless to say, I couldn't finish the meal. I couldn't stand the idea that my food was cooks with something like that (which is obviously falling apart and is flaking bits of plastic all around).
I know that we as a people, and I specifically, often eat disgusting things without even realizing it - or even eat things when we know they aren't good for us. Between calorie count and fun facts like "there are chemicals in diet soda that turn into embalming fluid in your body" that make people turn away from foods.
But this is electrical wire. It's plastic covered copper bits. I'd like to think it's a bit different.
It looks like rat poop.
I tweeted Steak n' Shake and have not received a reply yet. I also e-mailed them.
My husband convinced me to call them. I hate calling people, but I worked up my nerves and did it just to have the employee ask me to call back around noon when a manger will be in the store. I might just call their corporate office.
I at least want something free out of this. I know things happen, and I'll probably continue to eat at SnS (have you had their Fresco Melt???).
So now we wait.